Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Numbered Update

1. Cooking lessons are on pause for a while.

2. Art lessons are beginning again this week after a month long holiday break. Can’t wait to start up again! And thanks to all of you who have given me suggestions for the curriculum, the kids really love it. Biggest hit so far? Paper-bag puppets. Unfortunately I forgot to bring glue for attaching scrap paper to the bags as clothes, face parts, etc, but the kids didn’t mind- they ran outside and picked a local plant that produces a natural glue from its stem—I was amazed!

3. A new group of volunteers has arrived, trained, and is now working at their respective sites…meaning there’s now another volunteer in my town!

4. I’ve been horrible at writing letters lately—my apologies to all of you who I owe a response!

5. I’m preparing for my parents’ visit—the countdown is down to about 3 weeks! I can’t wait to show them around my new home.

6. Work. Work has really started to pick up. RUGADA was awarded a very large grant for an HIV prevention project throughout the district. The project will last one year (April 08-April 09) and operates through the grassroots level, with RUGADA administering the project. We’ve trained a community educator in each of the 74 communities in the district to be part of the project. They will be going door-to-door and educating people about HIV prevention. The target group of the project is youth 10-24 years who are out of school. Sub-county leaders (11) will help to facilitate the community educators. Our office is making sure the project runs smoothly, distributing funds, and I specifically am in charge of monitoring and evaluation. I’m looking very forward to seeing the project progress!!!

Life’s good—I’m definitely learning a lot and it seems everyday is some type of adventure. Hope all is well!

Much Love,
Kobusingye Megan


Anonymous said...

Hi Megan!
I talked to your dad at Greg's open house and he told me you were a blogger. The internet stalker that I am has tracked you down. You are a fabulous writer! Thanks for documenting your experience, it creates many beautiful images in my little Osseo mind. Enjoy the travels with your parents. I will continue to "check in" to learn more about life in Uganda.
Much Love,
Meg and family

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan, It has been fun following your adventures in Africa. We do miss you at Peters. It sounds like your having the time of your life. Take it all in. Roger